Air Conditioner Troubleshooting Guide

June 16, 2020

There are several things that can go wrong with your air conditioner that you can fix yourself. These are simple things to check before calling to schedule a visit from a technician. Here are the main things to troubleshoot when your AC isn’t working properly. Dirty Air Filter A dirty air filter can cause all sorts of issues that are easily remedied by cleaning or by replacing it. Airflow is restricted by a dirty air filter, so your air conditioner can’t effectively cool the air. If your energy bills have been high lately, it’s entirely possible

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Five Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

April 16, 2020

When is the last time your air conditioner stopped working in the middle of August? Hopefully, your answer to this question is “never.” If it isn’t, you understand just how frustrating and uncomfortable it is. In many cases, you will have to call a technician to have your AC inspected and repaired. The following information covers some simple air conditioner maintenance actions you can take to keep your AC system in good condition. 1. Replace Air Filters Replace the air filters in your HVAC system regularly. When they are clogged, air

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What Does HVAC Mean?

March 12, 2020

Many people have used the term HVAC without really stopping to consider what it means. The acronym stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. HVAC refers to equipment that is designed to move air between indoor and outdoor areas while also heating or cooling a residential or commercial location. These systems help maintain the temperature in your home so it’s warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and they can ensure the air in your home is clean of contaminants and at the right humidity level. How Do HVAC Systems Work? It is common

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