5 Energy-Saving Tips for Texas Summers

July 10, 2023

Texas summers are known for their heat and humidity, making it hard to stay comfortable while saving energy. But you can take some simple steps to keep your energy costs down while still staying cool. 1. Install Programmable Thermostats Programmable thermostats are an easy way to ensure that your air conditioner runs only when needed. You can set the temperature higher while you’re away or asleep and program it to lower the temperature 30 minutes before you come home or wake up so that your home will be comfortable by the time you get there.

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How a Ductless Mini-Split System Is Installed

June 6, 2023

Installing a ductless mini-split is a great way to get whole-house heating and cooling without major building modifications. Ductless mini-split systems are also perfect for servicing remote areas unconnected to a central HVAC system. You can use a ductless mini-split to heat or cool your attic bedroom, ventilate your garage, or turn your finished basement into a comfortable, habitable space. Read on to uncover everything you need to know about having a ductless mini-split installed. Zoning and Ductless Mini-Split Sizing Ductless mini-splits must be correctly sized for their intended service areas. Choosing an option that’s too

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4 Reasons to Avoid DIY AC Servicing

May 10, 2023

Air conditioner malfunctioning can manifest in various ways. If you suspect something is wrong with your AC, the best idea is to call a professional to assist. Many things can go wrong with DIY AC repairs compared to relying on a licensed technician. Although it sounds cost-effective and fun, it is not the best way to reduce costs and is certainly unsafe. Keep reading to discover some things that could go wrong with the DIY approach. 1. Electrical Issues ACs are appliances that require high-voltage electrical power for their operation. Even if you possess some basic

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4 Reasons Why Thermostats Fall Below Their Set Temperatures

April 24, 2023

Thermostats tell heating and cooling equipment when to turn off and on. When these devices malfunction, nothing works quite like it should. If the thermostat in your Richardson, TX home has a reading that’s below your preferred temperature setting, it could be due to one of the four following reasons. 1. Your Thermostat Needs Calibration Thermostats should be inspected and calibrated once annually. Absent of this maintenance, your thermostat may lose its ability to accurately read your indoor temperature. Technical glitches can cause both manual and digital thermostats to read indoor temperatures higher or lower than

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4 Signs Your Furnace Needs a Replacement Motor Blower

March 10, 2023

The motor blower is an important part of your furnace. It is responsible for pushing heated air into your duct system and distributing it throughout your home. As motors age and wear out, they may need to be replaced like any other HVAC system part. 1. Weird Noises One of the most common signs of a motor needing replacement is strange sounds from the fan. If the blower on your furnace makes a rattling or whining sound, it may be time for a replacement. The noises the blower is making could be signs of worn-out bearings

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4 Signs Your Motor Blower Needs to Be Replaced

February 10, 2023

Furnace motor blowers play a vital role in ensuring the efficient and effective operation of your furnace. Your blower is responsible for circulating warm air throughout your home, ensuring that every room is heated evenly and providing you with the comfort you need during colder temperatures. Without a properly functioning blower, your furnace may struggle to keep your home at a consistent temperature, resulting in higher energy bills and reduced comfort. How do you know when it’s time to replace the blower motor? Look for these clear signs that your furnace needs more than a thermostat hike.

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The Importance of Changing Your HVAC Air Filter in Winter

January 19, 2023

Staying on top of routine air filter changes is always essential for protecting your home heating and cooling equipment. However, when winter comes rolling in, you’ll want to pay extra attention to this component. With a dirty HVAC air filter in your Richardson, TX, home, everyone can suffer. Read on to find out why. Your Home Is Sealed Tight One large part of getting your home winter-ready is creating an airtight living environment. Sealing gaps, cracks, and other air leaks, installing weatherstripping, and adding additional insulation will limit heat loss and lower your spending

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Figuring Out How to Change Your Furnace Filter

December 20, 2022

In winter, everyone knows how important a well-functioning furnace is. But like many homeowners, you may notice that your heating system is working harder than it usually should. When it’s time to change the filter, you have to know which steps to take in the correct order. Frequency of Changing the Filter An air filter collects dust and debris, but when it’s not changed regularly, the furnace produces less clean air and needs more energy to produce the same amount of work. A furnace filter is recommended to be replaced every one to three months. Larger

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2 Functions of Plenums in Forced-Air Furnace Systems

November 20, 2022

When your home has a forced-air furnace system, the boxes between the outgoing and intake ducts are called the supply and return plenums. Along with assisting the furnace with distributing and collecting air, the plenums also serve two additional and important functions. 1. Reduce the Noise Made by Air Flowing Through the Ducts One function served by both the supply and return plenums is noise reduction. In a forced-air system, the air coming from and returning to the furnace is usually pretty loud. Without the buffering effect of the supply and return plenums, you would hear

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Does My Heat Pump Use Refrigerant?

October 20, 2022

As heat pumps are becoming a more popular option for heating and cooling homes in mild climates throughout the country, many homeowners are interested in learning more about how these systems work. Many people are familiar with the fact that centralized air conditioning systems utilize refrigerant to cool their homes. However, do heat pumps use refrigerant too? What Is Refrigerant? Refrigerant is a liquid chemical that is used to transfer heat. It changes from a liquid to a gaseous state as it absorbs heat. As it disperses heat, it changes back into a liquid state,

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