Is a HEPA Filter the Same Thing as an Air Purifier?

October 10, 2024

When it comes to improving indoor air quality, two common solutions that often come up are HEPA filters and air purifiers. But are they the same thing? The short answer is no—they serve different functions but can work together to provide cleaner, healthier air in your home or business. Understanding their distinctions can help you choose the right option based on your specific needs. Understanding HEPA Filters HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air, and these filters are specifically designed to trap 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 microns in size or larger. This includes common

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4 Reasons Why Thermostats Fall Below Their Set Temperatures

April 24, 2023

Thermostats tell heating and cooling equipment when to turn off and on. When these devices malfunction, nothing works quite like it should. If the thermostat in your Richardson, TX home has a reading that’s below your preferred temperature setting, it could be due to one of the four following reasons. 1. Your Thermostat Needs Calibration Thermostats should be inspected and calibrated once annually. Absent of this maintenance, your thermostat may lose its ability to accurately read your indoor temperature. Technical glitches can cause both manual and digital thermostats to read indoor temperatures higher or lower than

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The Importance of Changing Your HVAC Air Filter in Winter

January 19, 2023

Staying on top of routine air filter changes is always essential for protecting your home heating and cooling equipment. However, when winter comes rolling in, you’ll want to pay extra attention to this component. With a dirty HVAC air filter in your Richardson, TX, home, everyone can suffer. Read on to find out why. Your Home Is Sealed Tight One large part of getting your home winter-ready is creating an airtight living environment. Sealing gaps, cracks, and other air leaks, installing weatherstripping, and adding additional insulation will limit heat loss and lower your spending

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Should You Get a Humidifier or Dehumidifier This Winter?

October 19, 2021

If you are wondering about the humidity levels in your Richardson, TX, home this winter, then you may need to consider a humidifier or dehumidifier to make sure the air quality stays high. Our company has a few tips to ensure that you get the right level of humidity all winter. Reasons to Get a Humidifier A humidifier helps raise the humidity levels in your home. If you have dry skin or irritated sinuses, a humidifier can help you stay comfortable. Dry winters can also make you dehydrated, and your skin might start to itch

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How to Make Sure Your Home Has Great Indoor Air Quality for Fall

September 20, 2021

If you are worried about fall allergies or find your home a little stuffier during the fall months, then you may want to adjust the indoor air quality in the fall so your house is more comfortable. There are a few things you can do so that it is easier to breathe in your home during the colder months. Get an Air Purifier You can decide on many different kinds of air purifiers that are either portable or whole-home models. An air purifier will significantly increase your home’s indoor air quality by eliminating particles from the

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Does Having Indoor Plants Improve Air Quality?

January 5, 2021

If you’ve ever admired someone’s collection of house plants, the proud owner likely mentioned that they cleaned the indoor air. You’ll also hear this claim often when shopping for house plants. People like to call them nature’s air purifiers. This is true, but a few potted plants in your house only have a tiny effect on indoor air quality. Plants Can Mitigate Volatile Organic Compounds You don’t have to spend much time investigating indoor air quality before you hear about volatile organic compounds. VOCs leak into the air from materials like drywall, paint,

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Why Proper Indoor Air Quality Relies on Ventilation

October 20, 2020

Everyone wants to have good indoor air quality in their homes. Unfortunately, it’s easy for the air inside to become stuffy and polluted. The main way to improve indoor air quality is to have proper ventilation. Airborne Contaminants There can be many air contaminants in your home. Sources of contaminants include cleaning supplies, fuel-burning combustion appliances, off-gassing carpets, glue in furniture and more. You need proper ventilation to remove these contaminants from your home. If there isn’t adequate ventilation, the contaminants in your home multiply over time. Fresh air needs

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How to Reduce Exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants

August 11, 2020

In Richardson, TX, most people worry about keeping their homes at the right temperature throughout the year. Yet, it doesn’t matter if the air is comfortable if it isn’t clean. Poor indoor air quality can affect the health of you and your loved ones. Fortunately, there are some effective ways to remove pollutants from your indoor air supply. Signs of Poor Air Quality Air quality issues can take on many forms. The most common signs of an air quality problem resemble the symptoms of a common cold. People who have allergies may have a runny nose,

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How Can Air Quality Affect Your Mental Health?

July 16, 2020

Poor air quality doesn’t feel good to breathe in. However, it can have effects that go far beyond your physical health. Let us take a close look at how air quality can affect your mental health. Concentration To start things off, poor air quality leads to poor concentration. We’ve all had those days where we simply can’t focus on even the most routine tasks. If you’re constantly breathing in tainted air, this could become a reality every day. Improving air quality is an absolute must for individuals who work from home and need to be at

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Things To Know About Carbon Monoxide in Your Home

May 13, 2020

Carbon monoxide is a naturally odorless and colorless gas that can get into your home in a variety of different ways. Exposure to any amount of carbon monoxide can lead to significant health problems. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know about this gas so you can keep yourself and your family safe. Carbon Monoxide Can Quickly Accumulate in Closed Spaces You should never start a car before opening the garage door or attempt to use a gas grill indoors. It is also never a good idea to use a

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