Making sure your HVAC system is well-prepared for the upcoming months is key to maintenance. Following a few tips will allow your system to operate more efficiently, which helps to keep your home cool while also saving you money each month. Working with HVAC professionals is also a great way to take care of any issues before they lead to more expensive repairs. The following covers some tips on how to prepare your HVAC unit for the spring.
Switch Out Filters
An easy way to prepare for the spring months is to replace your filters. A new filter enables your system to work much better, which helps to reduce wear and tear. Replacing an old filter with a brand new one will also improve the quality of your indoor air. Usually, it’s a good idea to replace your filter every two or three months.
Schedule Preventative Maintenance
Another step in getting your HVAC system ready for spring is to schedule preventative maintenance with a local HVAC company. These heating and cooling professionals will make adjustments to improve the efficiency of your system and will also take care of any issues with your air conditioner.
Keep Your Unit Clean
Taking the time to clean around your outdoor unit is well worth the effort. Removing any weeds, leaves, or shrubs is important in allowing your system to operate without the risk of overheating. It’s also important to remove any leaves or debris from the coils to keep your system working properly.
Look for Air Leaks
Sometimes air leaks can develop in your home during the winter months. These leaks are usually found near windows or doors. You can fix these leaks in numerous ways, such as adding new caulk, applying weather-stripping, or installing draft stoppers. Using caulk and foam to fix any leaks in your attic is also effective in taking care of these problems.
Hammack Service Company, Inc. offers heating and cooling services for customers in Richardson and the surrounding areas. Our goal is always to provide top-quality HVAC solutions. You can also turn to us for indoor air quality services. Give Hammack Service Company, Inc. a call to learn more!