3 Ways to Conserve Heat This Winter

November 19, 2021

With the cold weather approaching, odds are that you’ll be spending lots of time indoors over the next few months. Since you’re probably going to be using your furnace quite a bit, finding ways to conserve heat is particularly important. By taking certain steps, you can keep your monthly bills reasonable and avoid putting excessive wear and tear on your heating system. 1. Schedule Furnace Maintenance By scheduling a professional furnace tune-up, you can make sure that your heating system is running at peak efficiency all winter long. When your furnace receives its regular maintenance, it

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Should You Get a Humidifier or Dehumidifier This Winter?

October 19, 2021

If you are wondering about the humidity levels in your Richardson, TX, home this winter, then you may need to consider a humidifier or dehumidifier to make sure the air quality stays high. Our company has a few tips to ensure that you get the right level of humidity all winter. Reasons to Get a Humidifier A humidifier helps raise the humidity levels in your home. If you have dry skin or irritated sinuses, a humidifier can help you stay comfortable. Dry winters can also make you dehydrated, and your skin might start to itch

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How to Make Sure Your Home Has Great Indoor Air Quality for Fall

September 20, 2021

If you are worried about fall allergies or find your home a little stuffier during the fall months, then you may want to adjust the indoor air quality in the fall so your house is more comfortable. There are a few things you can do so that it is easier to breathe in your home during the colder months. Get an Air Purifier You can decide on many different kinds of air purifiers that are either portable or whole-home models. An air purifier will significantly increase your home’s indoor air quality by eliminating particles from the

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3 Summer Cooling Myths to Avoid

August 16, 2021

If you thought that it would be easy keeping your house cool this summer without breaking the bank, you should be aware of some of these cooling myths sooner rather than later so that they don’t break your budget. There are a lot of misnomers flying around about summer maintenance, and you should be aware of all of the potential pitfalls to efficient summer cooling are out there. Bigger Isn’t Better Some people think that a larger air conditioner will cool off their house faster, which is actually true. But what makes this a myth is

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Common AC Problems in Summer

July 28, 2021

It’s usually when it gets hot during the summer that air conditioners develop problems. They’re pushed to their limit, and that can cause parts to break. These are some problems you should look for. Refrigerant Leaks Refrigerant leaks in your air conditioning system are common in the summer. Refrigerant is used to remove heat from your home, and if there are leaks, your AC system won’t be able to sufficiently cool your home. You can’t add refrigerant yourself, so if there’s a leak, you need to call a trusted cooling company. Dirty Air

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What Is the Ideal Temperature for Home Air Conditioning in the Summer?

June 28, 2021

When the summer season rolls around, it’s likely that you rely on your central air conditioning system to keep your home comfortable. While you enjoy the cooling relief, you probably don’t enjoy the higher electricity bill that comes along with it. Fortunately, you can reach a happy medium to ensure that your family stays comfortable and your wallet isn’t depleted in the process. A Standard Recommendation of 78 Degrees Talk with any air conditioning experts, and they will recommend that you set your home thermostat to a cool 78 degrees. This offers a temperature that is

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Why Does My Air Conditioner Smell?

May 24, 2021

An air conditioner can eventually begin to smell bad over time due to a variety of reasons. Once these odors become noticeable, they often get worse. It’s a good idea to reach out to a local HVAC company to investigate and fix the problem. If you’re in the Richardson area, you can rely on our team at Hammack Service Company, Inc. for assistance. Taking care of these issues promptly will usually improve the efficiency of your system and help you prevent small problems from turning into much bigger ones. Here are a few of the top reasons why your

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Who Invented Air Conditioning?

April 12, 2021

Air conditioning is a must in Richardson, TX. The long, sizzling-hot summers mean that you rely on your air conditioning system for relief from heat and humidity. However, air conditioning in homes has only been the standard for about 50 to 60 years. Before this, people had to open windows, use swamp coolers or set up a plethora of fans throughout their homes. Read on to learn about who invented air conditioning and how this invention makes life safer and more convenient today. Willis Carrier Willis Carrier is widely regarded to be the father of modern

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How Does Ductless A Mini-Split System Work?

March 9, 2021

If you’re building a new home, remodeling, or updating your Richardson, TX, home’s heating and cooling system, you might wonder if air ducts are really necessary. The answer is no. With a ductless mini-split system, you can enjoy year-round comfort without the need for bulky, leaky, or noisy air ducts. How Does This Type of System Both Heat and Cool Your Spaces? A ductless mini-split system has an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. The indoor portion functions as an air handler. Air from your home is transported to the outdoor unit, which contains coils filled

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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

February 12, 2021

It’s no fun when your furnace blows cold air, especially if it’s freezing outside. The cause may be simple, or it may need a technician to resolve the situation. There are several possible reasons why your furnace is blowing cold air. Furnace Just Turned On When you first turn on your furnace, it will initially blow cool air before it’s warmed up. You should start feeling warm air after a few minutes. It’s the same thing that happens when you turn on a hot water faucet and only get cold water for a bit.

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