A Ductless AC Solution for Your Home in Richardson

September 14, 2022

Let’s say that your home doesn’t have ductwork. Maybe it’s old, and adding ductwork would compromise the structural integrity. Whatever the situation you’re in, there’s an air conditioning system that will fit your needs. It’s called the mini-split, otherwise known as a ductless heat pump. How Mini-Splits Work Mini-splits are like traditional heat pumps in that they cool a space by transferring heat from it. Refrigerant enters the air handler to absorb the heat, and it travels through piping to the compressor, where it releases the heat outside. It travels back to the air handler with

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Mini-Splits: Are They More Efficient Than Central ACs?

August 15, 2022

Mini-splits, also known as ductless heat pumps, can cool a small space like a garage, work shed, or room addition that your existing ductwork doesn’t reach. They can also be a viable option for whole-house cooling. The main question, though, is whether they’re more energy-efficient than ducted ACs. The answer is yes. No Ducts Means No Energy Waste Think about all the cool air that can trickle out of the cracks of a duct. If the ducts aren’t properly sealed, problems become even worse. Your AC may run forever and never reach your desired temperature. With

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What’s Behind Multi-Zone Heating/Cooling?

July 20, 2022

Chances are that you own a single-speed, single-zone HVAC system. In other words, your entire home is one “zone,” and when you turn on the HVAC system, it heats or cools your home to one set temperature. You do have the option, though, of switching to a multi-zone HVAC system. Ensure It Is a Variable-Speed System We must warn you, though, not to try and create multiple temperature zones with the same single-speed HVAC system. The installers recommended your current system to you based on your home’s square footage, and if you decrease that space through

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Working With Your Landlord to Get Your AC Fixed ASAP

June 16, 2022

A routine maintenance schedule is best for keeping your air conditioning system in top shape, but if your landlord hasn’t put one in place, it can sometimes be tricky to know when to have the system serviced. Having a conversation with your landlord can help you create a schedule that works for both of you. What’s In the Lease Agreement? How quickly a landlord must fix a faulty air conditioning system depends on your state laws and what is in your lease agreement. The lease agreement often states how soon repairs will be made for any

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How Portable ACs Work

May 17, 2022

A portable AC can be a good option if you only want to cool one room in your home. There are a few options to choose from, depending on your needs and how much you want to spend. Unlike central air conditioners or window units, you don’t permanently install a portable AC unit. What Is a Portable AC? A portable AC pulls hot air from the room it’s in and replaces it with cool air. It does so by using a refrigerant, a compressor and a fan. As heat is extracted from a room, it is

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Tips for Successfully Installing a Smart Thermostat

April 18, 2022

If you currently have an old dial thermostat, then it’s time to consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. These thermostats will automatically connect to your phone application via your home’s Wi-Fi. This makes controlling your HVAC system settings possible from anywhere that your phone has internet connectivity. Contrary to what you may believe, installing a smart thermostat is fairly simple to do with the right guidance. Turn Your Circuit Breaker Off Before you start the installation process, you’ll want to kill the power to your HVAC system. You want to do this at the circuit

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How You Can Easily Prepare Your HVAC Unit for Spring

March 15, 2022

Making sure your HVAC system is well-prepared for the upcoming months is key to maintenance. Following a few tips will allow your system to operate more efficiently, which helps to keep your home cool while also saving you money each month. Working with HVAC professionals is also a great way to take care of any issues before they lead to more expensive repairs. The following covers some tips on how to prepare your HVAC unit for the spring. Switch Out Filters An easy way to prepare for the spring months is to replace your filters. A

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Tips for Maximizing the Life Expectancy of Your Furnace

February 17, 2022

When you want your furnace to last for as long as possible, there are several steps you should take throughout its lifetime. Most furnaces will run properly for about 10 years but can start to develop an array of issues as they get older. Keeping your system properly maintained and clean throughout its lifespan can allow it to operate for a long time. Schedule Annual Maintenance for Your Furnace Professional maintenance is one of the best ways to extend the life expectancy of your furnace. A technician will be able to clean out the internal components

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3 Major Signs You Have Damaged Ductwork

January 11, 2022

After turning your heat on for the new season, you might have noticed an odd smell coming from the furnace or more dust around the home. Damaged ductwork can cause a host of problems that will ultimately lead to expensive repairs in the future. Check your home this season for signs of worn-out or damaged ducts. 1. Higher Heating Bills Damaged ducts can cause your heat to be leaked out around the home. You’ll likely have inconsistent airflow and heating that can lead to rooms never being warm enough. Your furnace will run longer as heat

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How to Tell How Energy Efficient Your Heater Is

December 20, 2021

Heating your home can be costly. If you have a highly energy-efficient heater, it can save you a lot of money. There are a few ways to determine how energy-efficient your heater is. AFUE Rating Heater efficiency is rated by its annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE). This is a percentage that is determined by how efficiently it converts fuel into heat. For example, a heater with a 95% AFUE rating converts 95% of its fuel into heat. Heaters must have an AFUE of at least 78%. Highly efficient heaters have an AFUE between 90% and 97%.

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